Mastering Thought Leadership: 7 Essential Tools for Personal Brand Building Success

What do you want to be known for? Establishing thought leadership is essential for executives, entrepreneurs, authors, and business owners. Here are my favorite tools to get started on building your personal brand.

1. LinkedIn

Start with making sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date. LinkedIn is another powerful platform for thought leadership, enabling you to publish articles, share updates, and engage with professionals in your industry. By consistently sharing valuable insights and industry trends on LinkedIn, you can position yourself as a trusted authority and expand your network.

2. WordPress

WordPress is my go-to platform for both my business website and my personal blog, Hip Travel Mama. With its free and low cost customizable themes, plugins, and blogging capabilities, WordPress offers an affordable and flexible option for you to establish a brand presence, regularly publish thought leadership content, and showcase your expertise. 

3. Medium

If you don’t have time to build a blog, Medium provides an excellent platform and existing audience for publishing and distributing long-form content. Medium allows you to share your expertise on topics relevant to your industry, reaching a wider audience and driving engagement with other thought leaders in your industry.

4. Connectively w/ HARO (Help a Reporter Out):

HARO is a valuable resource for thought leaders seeking media opportunities and exposure. By signing up as a source, you can receive queries from journalists looking for expert opinions and insights on various topics. Responding to relevant queries not only helps you gain visibility but also establishes credibility as a trusted source in your field.

5. Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a simple yet effective tool for monitoring mentions of your brand, industry trends, and competitor activity. By setting up alerts for relevant keywords and topics, you can stay informed about conversations happening within your industry and identify opportunities to contribute valuable insights as a thought leader.

6. Canva

Canva is AMAZING and I use it everyday. Canva is a user-friendly design tool that allows you to create professional-looking graphics, presentations, social media posts and infographics to show up looking polished and professional.

7. ConvertKit

ConvertKit is a powerful email marketing platform that empowers thought leaders to nurture their audience and drive engagement through personalized email campaigns. With features like automation, segmentation, and customizable templates, ConvertKit allows you to deliver targeted content that builds trust and loyalty with your subscribers.